
Komunitní diskuzní fórum pro fanoušky historických počítačů

Právě je 18.02.2025, 17:28

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 Předmět příspěvku: HP unikarta - EBTKS
PříspěvekNapsal: 15.12.2021, 21:38 
Pan Štábní

Registrován: 11.11.2013, 10:29
Příspěvky: 1255
Has thanked: 405 times
Been thanked: 312 times
Dostala se mi do ruky tahle vecicka:
a ted si s ni trochu hraju. Moc se mi to libi a, pokud by nekdo mel nejake HP-83 az HP99, tak muzu vrele doporucit. Klusi americky to maji docela slusne vychytane a jde tim emulovat skoro vsechny pametove media a ruzne periferie. Dokonce i neco navic, co v te dobe jeste ani neexistovalo a ted to integrovali do puvodniho sw. Je to postavene na 600MHz. CPU v posledni verzi Teensy (takove arduino po americku), i kdyz to uz je tedy overkill jako tram :-)

Sharp MZ-800++, MZ-1500++, MZ-2500++, SM-B-80T, MK-14_replica, HP-85, ZX-80+replica, ZX81, ZX-Spectrum+replica++, PMI-80+replica, SAM coupe++, PMD-85-2A+3, Didaktik-M, SORD-M5, TI-57, TI-59+PC-100, TI99/4A, ZetaV2+ppp, ZX-uno, Petr

 Předmět příspěvku: Re: HP unikarta - EBTKS
PříspěvekNapsal: 20.08.2023, 14:45 
Uživatelský avatar

Registrován: 27.07.2023, 22:22
Příspěvky: 83
Has thanked: 2 times
Been thanked: 12 times
Předávám, tak jak ke mě dnes dorazilo:

EBTKS update #10

EBTKS has been shipping for about 2 years now. The original 70 units ordered by the
forum's members has been supplemented by 239 more, for a total (so far) of 309
units shipped to 261 people in 28 countries. Most of the follow-on units went to non-
members of the forum, who learnt about EBTKS thanks to a YouTube video by
CuriousMarc (EBTKS 02-030) Unboxing Video with Marc and Philip
With each shipment, I let people know about the forum as well as a link to the document site.
There are plenty of EBTKS available for future orders.

Today's forum update was motivated by me providing "Customer Support" for an EBTKS
that was no longer keeping time while the power was off. The obvious cause was the
CR2032 had expired. Based on my calculations (read at the following link) , most of
the original EBTKS and many of those that followed may also have experienced the
same issue. The following link provides the following info:

- How to change the CR2032 coin cell
- An alternative using AA or AAA batteries for much longer life
- Calculations of best case and worst case battery life for different battery types
- How to set the date and time, after the battery has been replaced. This also
addresses correcting the time when daylight saving starts and ends.

Changing the coin cell battery and setting the time :D

Nákupem čínského braku likviduješ český průmysl. Kdo kupuje čínský brak není Čech.

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