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 Předmět příspěvku: Help fixing two MZ-700 games?
PříspěvekNapsal: 04.12.2024, 05:16 

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First, sorry for posting in English. The only other MZ-specific forum I could find has some kind of bug and won't allow new registrations.

Anyway, I hope this is an appropriate topic here. My questions are:

There is a strange problem with the MZ-700 versions of the Sharpsoft text adventure games, where it will not allow you to enter numerals. This only becomes a real problem in the game Dark Star, where you get to a point in the game that you have to enter numerals to transport off a spaceship, which makes it impossible to continue in the game. This has been checked out by several people and confirmed to be a problem with the games themselves, not the emulators.

I'd like to try to fix it myself, but my technical abilities are very limited, so I would need some help with how to do this properly. Here's the game, if anyone wants to take a look:

https://mz-archive.co.uk/downloads/It1g ... Hs6ud.html

The other game I need help on is a Japanese MZ-700 game called Fushigi no Mori no Adventure. It's an MZT file, but I haven't been able to get it to run on both emulators I've tried. It just flashes the title screen for a moment and then freezes.
I'm not sure if there's something wrong with the file, or if I'm just doing something wrong myself. It can be downloaded in this package here:



 Předmět příspěvku: Re: Help fixing two MZ-700 games?
PříspěvekNapsal: 05.12.2024, 16:03 
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I tried "Fushigi" in MZ800Emu. At title screen, it tries to save somenthing on tape repeatedly. Dunno what. Then comes the reset. Second part (M2) loads and shows some flashing text (maybe in japanese?). But it's a mystery to me what to do next.


 Předmět příspěvku: Re: Help fixing two MZ-700 games?
PříspěvekNapsal: 06.12.2024, 05:37 

Registrován: 04.12.2024, 04:30
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misticjoe píše:
I tried "Fushigi" in MZ800Emu. At title screen, it tries to save somenthing on tape repeatedly. Dunno what. Then comes the reset. Second part (M2) loads and shows some flashing text (maybe in japanese?). But it's a mystery to me what to do next.

Yeah, after trying a few different things I saw that flashing text as well. It says something like "Oh no! It looks like something is broken!", which would indicate that it's a bad dump, but it's been up on that Japanese file server for years and there's a decent amount of coverage of the game online in Japanese, so I'd guess there must be some way to get it working. The other thing is that the folder the files come in also has a text file in Japanese which says roughly "Please use with QD", which I would guess is an instruction for people loading from a MZ-1500?

 Předmět příspěvku: Re: Help fixing two MZ-700 games?
PříspěvekNapsal: 06.12.2024, 19:30 
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That Quick Disk might make sense. Maybe game automatically writes something (some sort of state?) to floppy disk, which is needed for part two. You can try thist utility: https://github.com/mlukasek/QDTool and convert that MZT to QDF (author is Martin8bity, who is also here on the forum).


 Předmět příspěvku: Re: Help fixing two MZ-700 games?
PříspěvekNapsal: 07.12.2024, 15:41 

Registrován: 04.12.2024, 04:30
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misticjoe píše:
That Quick Disk might make sense. Maybe game automatically writes something (some sort of state?) to floppy disk, which is needed for part two. You can try thist utility: https://github.com/mlukasek/QDTool and convert that MZT to QDF (author is Martin8bity, who is also here on the forum).

Thanks very much for the link! I'll download it and give it a try.

 Předmět příspěvku: Re: Help fixing two MZ-700 games?
PříspěvekNapsal: 14.01.2025, 11:31 
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Rob74 píše:
There is a strange problem with the MZ-700 versions of the Sharpsoft text adventure games, where it will not allow you to enter numerals. This only becomes a real problem in the game Dark Star, where you get to a point in the game that you have to enter numerals to transport off a spaceship, which makes it impossible to continue in the game.

Luckily, this game is a Basic program which makes is easy to hack. The non-letter input characters are being skipped on line 500:

500 IF(T<65)-(T>90)THENUSR(62):GOTO440

To allow numbers, change T<65 to T<48 on this line.

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